Category: electronics

Daemonised energy software

Well I have made several updates to the software learning python on the go. If you are interested in how I learn a new programming language please go over to my github page and follow the commits. I have made a nice python daemon which should be able to do every thing I want. It…

Home Energy Meter

A few weeks ago I found an arduino micro controller board lying around doing nothing. It happened to be around the time that I was wondering how to be able to automatically measure the energy usage. We still have an old fashioned disc energy meterĀ  which is not compatible with any external read out. some…

Second small step board design

Click for larger Last week I wrote about my design for the KineMagic.Several questions remained: "necking" in KiCad Board design of the KineMagic Collaboration decision. The necking in KiCad I replaced by a dirty solution including a polygon fill. This also solved all of my board design, so the new design is there ready for…

Second small step…

The schematic block for the L6470 For the people that did not read my guest blog on Erik his page.I have been involved in designing some new electronics for the reprap project. This means that I have added a new category for my own blog. This is also the reason why i revived it (e.g….